
Join the Staff
at Camp Yeka.

Dates (including travel): UKRAINE June 30 – July 13 • ISRAEL July 17 – 29

New Staff
New Staff

For new staff members, click here to apply for Yeka Summer 5785!

Returning Staff
Returning Staff

For returning staff members, click here to apply for Summer 5785!

Staff Portal
Staff Portal
Once you're accepted as a staff member, the necessary information to prepare for camp will be accessed here.

No Jewish child
should be forgotten.

Yeka Girls is not just a Jewish summer camp, a winter program or a scholarship fund. We are a family – joined together with love and empathy. With the clear vision and statement from the Lubavitcher Rebbe in mind that no Jewish Child should be forgotten or given up on, we will continue to provide for and reach out to as many Jewish children as possible. No child should feel unloved or undeserving, and with your help we can fill those gaps.


Get in Touch

Mrs. Hindy Levy and Mrs. Menucha Hanoka


Follow us @campyekagirls

At Camp Yeka Girls we are committed to Yiddishkiet, enthusiastic about our Shlichus and ready to open our hearts to others. This is an opportunity to empower youth, reinforce others with love and joy and reshape the future. Get ready to get even more than you give.

Summer 2025 dates are as follows:
June 30 – July 1: Staff fly to Ukraine
July 2 – 16: Camp in Ukraine
July 17: Staff arrive in Israel
July 20: Staff arrive at camp grounds
July 22 – 29: Camp in Israel

Due to the current situation in Ukraine and Israel, we are in touch with our Rav, Mashpia, and the Shluchim and will be following their advice for all camp decisions with safety being our top priority.

Responsible, enthusiastic and committed young women 18+ (or coming out of 12th grade).